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Visitation and Activity Guidance Update
The Lakewood leadership team is pleased to report the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services updated guidance for higher levels of care at long-term care communities in response to COVID-19 vaccinations.
The following key changes have been made:
• If all residents/team members participating in communal or group activities are fully vaccinated, then residents may choose to have close contact without wearing a mask with others during the activity and physical distancing is not required.
• Fully vaccinated residents can visit with other fully vaccinated people indoors without wearing masks or physical distancing.
• Fully vaccinated residents can visit with unvaccinated people who are at low risk for severe COVID-19—including children—from a single household, indoors, without wearing masks or physical distancing.
• If outdoors at the residents’ friends/family’s private home, fully vaccinated residents can participate in outdoor activities without a mask, except in very crowded settings.
The below safety precautions are already in place and will continue moving forward:
• Communal activities will only be permitted for COVID-19 negative and asymptomatic residents.
• Residents will have body temperature checks before they are able to enter communal or activity areas and activities.
• Alternative activities, such as virtual attendance and other in-room programming, will be offered to residents who are COVID-19 positive or symptomatic.
• All items/equipment used will be cleaned and disinfected before and after use. Cleaning and disinfecting will be done using an EPA-registered product, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Outdoor activities will be scheduled and encouraged as much as possible, weather permitting.
• Team members assisting residents with activities will perform proper hand hygiene between residents.
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Lakewood’s Administrator of Health Services Felicity Wood at 521-9151.