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Crèches from Around the World on Display
With just 11 days until Christmas, Lakewood senior residents have the opportunity to view a remarkable display depicting the birth of Jesus. More than two dozen crèche scenes will be on display throughout the month of December in the Lakewood Senior Living library. In the Christian tradition, a crèche is a special exhibition, particularly during the Christmas season, of art objects representing the birth of Jesus.
The exhibit, organized by resident Maggie Barnett, features 26 nativity sets from 12 exhibitors representing countries all over the world—Bethlehem, Cambodia, Italy, Korea, Laos, Mexico, Panama, U.S., Venezuela and West Africa. Barnett has been collecting nativity sets for more than 50 years and many of those on display are hers. The various scenes are made from wood, clay, plaster, popsicles, quilt and even warthog tusk; some light up and some are handmade by Lakewood residents.
“It’s interesting how countries adapted their scenes to their culture and what they were familiar with, said Barnett. “The scenes from the U.S. are usually displayed as the traditional crèche from Italy.”